Be green
What is 'green neuroscience'? How can we reduce our carbon footprint and make neuroscience more sustainable?
We all want to be greener, but it can be hard to get started.
At BNA2023 we will be addressing issues such as the carbon footprint of data storage, lab consumables, and what we - neuroscientists - can do at individual, institutional and society levels.
Join us for a workshop on sustainability in neuroscience, as well as a public discussion about the role of neuroscience in climate change.
Talk with members of the BNA's Green Neuroscience Working Group to learn more about environmental sustainability in neuroscience and discuss challenges such as conference travel, lab consumables, and making changes in your university or institute.
We'll also be doing a beach clean (sponsored by Scientifica) to do our bit to keep Brighton beach clear of litter, and catch some sea breeze!
Green neuroscience in the Festival programme
Monday 24th April 09:30 - 11:10 BST
SPECIAL SESSION - How can we make neuroscience more environmentally sustainable? (Click for full information)
Chaired by Charlotte Rae, University of Sussex
Find out how we can address the climate and ecological impacts of neuroscience research, from big data to laboratory efficiency, travel and institutional policies to advocacy and campaigning.
Monday 24th April 18:30 - 19:30 BST
A panel discussion bringing together local politicians, climate campaigners, and neuroscientists specliasing in social decision-making, exchanging ideas about how neuroscience can do its bit to tackle climate change (details TBC)
Throughout the Festival: Pier Review
Come to the 'Pier Review' policy and advocacy stand, in the main exhibition hall, to get more information and make a committment to help your own research activities more environmentally sustainable.
Throughout the Festival: Beach clean
In partnership with Scientifica, we will be providing the opportunity for delegates to get some fresh air AND help the environment by going on a beach clean - equipment provided.
Further info:
- Find out how we are making the Festival itself as sustainable as possible.
- Read about the BNA's Green Neuroscience Working Group
- Read more in Rae CL, Farley M, Jeffery KJ, Urai AE. Climate crisis and ecological emergency: Why they concern (neuro)scientists, and what we can do. Brain and Neuroscience Advances. January 2022. doi:10.1177/23982128221075430