Refining the use of head fixation and food & water control in rodents

Refining the use of head fixation and food & water control in rodents
Theme: Methods and technology development

Monday 24th April, 09:30 – 11:10
Session convened by NC3Rs.

The use of both head fixation and water control is widening across the neurosciences, having been used extensively in sensory studies for some time. At the behest of the research community, the NC3Rs formed a working group to consider possible refinements and best practice advice that could be made regarding the use of both of these techniques without compromising scientific aims. We can now share these recommendations, which are the product of an extensive review of the literature, an international survey, and the experiences of the experts from the working group and others. This session features speakers from the working group and others to highlight the recommendations made as well as give practical advice on the use of head fixation and water control in mice. This will be illustrated with data from their own research, demonstrating that refinements to these procedures can result in better welfare outcomes for the animals used as well as better scientific outcomes.

  • Chris Barkus, NC3Rs, UK: NC3Rs working group on high-yield rodent behavioural experiments (co-chair)
  • Malamati Bitzidou, The Francis Crick Institute, UK: The head fixation surgery and procedure (co-chair)
  • Adil Khan, King's College London, UK: Food restriction for optimizing high-yield behavioural assays
  • Emma Robinson, University of Bristol, UK: Habituation methods to improve scientific outcomes and benefit animal welfare

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