
We're excited to introduce our line-up of international plenary speakers for BNA2019, covering topics from psychopathy to addiction to molecular brain development. Click on the images to find out more information about each speaker.

Professor Anders Björklund, Lund University, Sweden
NSI Plenary: Professor Ray Dolan, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UK
Professor Barry Everitt, University of Cambridge, UK
The EMBO Keynote lecture - Professor Uta Frith, University College London, UK
Prof Ileana Hanganu-Opatz, University of Hamburg, Germany
BSN Plenary: Professor Lora Heisler, University of Aberdeen, UK
Dr Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Vanderbilt Brain Institute, US
Professor Michael J. Meaney,  McGill University, Canada
Professor Essi Viding, University College London, UK